Monday, December 7, 2009

Final Paper - Cinematography Styles

My final paper will have to be on my favorite part of film making - Cinematography. I have loved movies from the time I was a child and it wasn't really ever about the story or music. It was always how the movie was framed, pieced together, the lighting, the angles, etc. I was enthralled in the art of movie making. Tonight as I was looking for information regarding the different styles of cinematography, I discovered a documentary called, "Cinematoghrapers Style." It seems very compelling and I plan to watch it for fun and to help with my paper. The clip that I watched already talked about lighting and how it is the artists brushstrokes in the film. That light can create movement appear different, depth and also emotion or mood. All of those are creations caused by light... one of the scenes in the movie was a man holding a light bulb in his hand in complete darkness (except for the light emitted by the light bulb) and he was talking about this light and how important and wonderful it is for movies. It is something I cannot put into words but it really made me appreciate and want to master the beast of lighting. It seems as though lighting can be your friend if you learn how to tame it and manipulate it, or it can be your enemy if you ignore its abilities or function in telling the story. In just one scene I grew to understand the purpose of light at a personal, internal level.

Overall, I am excited to write this paper and to see what I learn in the process of writing it.

Ciao! Raini

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