Tuesday, April 14, 2009

where do pirates get their veggies? gaaARRRRdens.

Now that Cesar Chavez day has come and gone, we think we have the meat of our veggie film. This last weekend we conducted a post-Cesar Chavez day interview with Bella and she gave us more intimate information about her life that we might be able to incorporate into the film, we'll see in the editing room.

One interesting update is that because of the Cesar Chavez day celebration the OC Register took an interest in the garden and put an article in the Local Section last week. The article focused on why the garden is there and how beneficial it is to the community, sort of like what our film will be about. It was just nice to see good acts getting praise and recognition.

So, after reviewing the rough cut thoroughly in class and alone, we have a good idea as to what it needs to tie it all together. The film has a direction, but it might not be as evident as it can be, so by creating clear chapter type segments either by narration or text we will be able to showcase each topic covered better. We are also in the process of getting the final pieces that were missing, footage-wise. We are filming this weekend and hopefully that will be our final shoot and then can devote all remaining time to editing.

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