Sunday, October 31, 2010

Colle, Friday Shoot

Alright, so Emily and I ran into some technical issues that made it difficult for us to film this past weekend. There were new neighbors that were in the process of moving in to the apartment right above Colle's. It would of been impossible to interview Kelly and additional footage of Colle without the distraction of loud thunks coming from the ceiling. We were also limited to shoot in Colle's apartment and backyard, seeing as his son had to stay home and finish up his chores and homework. Since it seemed like nothing was going to work we decided to just discuss the new direction of the film with Colle and see if he wanted to talk about anything in specific. He likes that we want to focus the film on how people try to categorize him when in fact he is just an average person. Emily and I also got to discuss with Kelly what we wanted to interview her about. Some questions we plan to ask her for next Saturday was how she feels about having to explain her relationship with Colle extensively on a regular basis and her opinion on social norms about relationships. We have a pretty good amount of questions to ask the both of them the next time we go over and shoot. Emily and I discussed possible B-roll and clarified with Colle how much of his son we can include in the film. 

Overall, we got a lot done and improved our rapport with Colle and his family. Next Saturday will be our final day of shooting before we start editing the film. 

Oh yeah, I almost forgot that it is Halloween. 

Happy Holidays guys!


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