Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Roadblocks seem to be the theme of our project. We keep trying to get great footage and set up opportunities to film, but little things keep getting in the way. Not having a tripod… not having a tripod plate…scheduling conflicts with the grain project... not having tapes… rain... technical difficulties in uploading our footage, and thus not being able to see and/or edit said footage.... I know I sound like a terrible whiner, but I'm not trying to, just putting it all out there. The good thing is we’ve made the best of it so far. Mike’s certainly had the opportunity to work on a lot of hand-holding with the camera (back in November/December especially). We've built crazy report (with each other and with our informants). This past weekend of filming was particularly frustrating at first because of the inclement weather, but we were able to rally and collect some good footage. Our scheduled morning interviews have been once again delayed (no lights or rain-free location in which to shoot), but were at least able to film in the afternoon once things cleared up.

The important thing is that we, as a group, are still optimistic about the prospects for our film and the need for our film. I think our focus for the next few weeks needs to be controlling our shoots and having a plan B. We can't afford to waste any more time.

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