Monday, October 26, 2009


Ok so this assignment was more difficult than I expected it to be for exactly the reason Raini described, the noise!!! Let me tell you about our adventure…To start off, Stacey and I walked around campus in search of what we thought would be a good place to set up as well as a good place to encounter freshman. Having several friends who are freshman that live in the dorms we wandered in that direction in hopes that one of my friends would introduce us to another freshman who might be willing to participate…It worked!! That was the easy part. Once we identified our subject for the interview we found what we thought would be a nice background outside the dorms and began the set up process. Mistake number one: The dorms- ridiculous amount of noise you can’t control…people laughing, doors slamming, cars driving by honking horns, people walking behind where you are shooting, crunching of leaves on the ground, kids screaming, parks nearby ,etc.

So after what seemed like forever of our interview subject sitting there waiting for us to be ready and having to explain to her that all the surrounding noise was overpowering when you have the headphones on, we were able to achieve what we considered as close to silence as we were going to get and finally got the interview underway. Yay smooth sailing from here right…no!

It seemed as if the very moment we got the camera rolling everyone decided to come out of their dorm, walk right behind where were we filming, laugh as loud as they could, smash all the leaves on the ground, and then to top it off, a never ending string of planes decided to fly over. Just as we thought the one plane was gone, although out of sight, another one could be heard far off in the distance. Frustrating to say the least.

In the end we finally got our interview completed…a bit shorter than we would have liked. I think our interviewee was tired of having to re-answer all of our questions several times. Anyway hope it works. See ya tomorrow.


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