Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Impressed with your progress

Hi All: I feel like I have bailed on you all, but I have had my prorities shift and have spend the last month and a half restoring a rental condo...which has gone from bad to worse as I have discovered more damage in the unit. (too bad I didn't pick this as a topic for my film...as I have some great footage of lots of rusty pipes etc.)

In any case I have been reading your blogs and I think you are all doing so wonderful with your projects, even if some of you feel you are not as far along as you would like to be. I think you are really making lots of progress. I hope to be able to get to calss next semester and see some of your work. In the meantime I want to thank you for welcoming me to the class, and wish you allthe very best of this holiday season.

cheers, Patricia

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