At this point, we are trying to focus our story more. We have chosen 4 students to follow and schedule our shoot dates around. We are hoping that at least 2 of these students will lead our documentary. This feels extremely risky to us, because if for whatever reason, a lead student decides they no longer want to participate as heavily then our documentary could suffer.
After our feedback from out trailer, it looks like we still have a lot of work to do. We are going to focus more on story development and pay more attention to cinematography. There was also concern about the choice of music for our trailer. But as a group, we decided we wanted out trailer to have a light-hearted feeling with uplifting music. Should more dramatic scenes or stories arise then of course that feeling will be portrayed as well. There was also concern about the fact that the environmental part of this school is not portrayed well in the trailer. Our story is not just based on the fact that this school is an environmental high school. We have also agreed that we want to focus on the theme of community, and the impact that this small high school community has had on its students. Our goal is not to expose these students as not being as environmentally friendly as they should be. Each student has a story, and attending Environmental Charter High School is just part of it.
Production Schedule:
Thursday -- Student/Faculty basketball game
Friday -- Pep rally and school dance
Saturday -- In-home interview with a student's foster mother
Issues: The issues we are currently facing is being able to attend shoots as a group, streamlining the system of watching footage and capturing as well, and story development.